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who is Michio Kaku

 Michio Kaku (Japanese : カク ミチオ, 加来 道雄, born January 24, 1947) is an American theoretical physicist , futurist , and popularizer  science . He is a professor of theoretical physics  in the City college of New York  and  CUNY graduate center . Kaku is the author of several books about physics and related topics and has made frequent appearances on radio, television, and film. He is also a regular contributor to his own blog, as well as other popular media outlets. For his efforts to bridge science and science fiction, he is a 2021 Sir Arthur Clarke Lifetime Achievement Awardee.


His books  physics of the impossible (2008), physics of the future  (2011),  The future of the mind (2014), and The God equation :  The Quest for a theory of everything  (2021) became  New York time best sellers . Kaku has hosted several television specials for the BBC, the Discovery channel , the History channel , and the Science channel . 


Kaku was born in San Jose , California , to second Generation Japanese - American  parents. Reflecting on his childhood, he said: His grandfather had come to the United States to do the cleanup operation after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake , and his father and mother were both born in California; his father in Palo Alto  and his mother in Marysville . Both his parents were interned  in the Tule lake war Relocation center  during  World war II , where they met and where his elder brother was born.

At the National Science Fair in Albuquerque ,  New Mexico  he attracted the attention of physicist Edward teller , who took Kaku as a protégé, awarding him the Hertz  Engineering scholarship . Kaku graduated  Summa cum laude  from Harvard University in 1968 and was first in his physics class .He attended the Berkeley Radiation laboratory  at the  University of California , Berkeley , receiving a PHD  and holding a lectureship at Princeton University  in 1972.

In 1968, during the  Vietnam war , Kaku, who was about to be drafted, joined the United States Army, remaining until 1970. He completed his basic training  at Fort Benning , Georgia , and advanced infantry training at Fort Lewis , Washington However, he was never deployed to Vietnam.


As part of the research program in 1975 and 1977 at the department of physics at the city college of the   City University of New York , Kaku worked on research on  quantum mechanics . He was a Visitor and Member (1973 and 1990) at the Institute of Advanced study in Princeton  and New York University . He currently holds the Henry Semat Chair and Professorship in theoretical physics at the City College of New York.

Between 1970 and 2000, Kaku had papers published in physics journals covering topics such as superstring theory , supergravity , supersymmetry , and hadronic  physics. In 1974, Kaku and Prof. Keiji  Kikkawa of  Osaka University  co-authored the first papers describing string theory in a field form . 

Kaku is the author of several textbooks on  string theory and quantum field theory . 


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